Friday, 3 September 2010

Radio Norfolk's Money-Guru in-Spire-d by survey

Thanks to Jeremy Hooke - the voice of BBC Radio Norfolk's 'Monday Money' and former Lord Mayor of Norwich - for tipping us off to his own favourite Norfolk view...

"My personal favourite is the view from the top of St. John's Roman Catholic Cathedral in Norwich looking eastwards, out towards the coast.

This is a rare and spectacular view from a spot which I was fortunate enough to visit several times during my tenure as Lord Mayor of Norwich.

The tower - which is the highest point from there right the way until the Ural mountains in Russia - is open during Heritage Open Days - and it is well worth a visit!"

To mark your own beauty spot on the Norfolk landscape and win the chance to immortalise it in a specially commissioned oil, just enter our competition or pick up a form at the Gallery. Hurry though - the closing deadline is now fast-approaching on 15th September!

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