Friday, 26 March 2010

Get 'abstract' in April at Hatfield Hines...

For April, The Hatfield Hines Gallery has put together an exhibition of original British abstracts from 1950s to the present day, featuring work by a diverse range of artists including Roy Turner Durrant, Valerie Thornton, Frank Beanland and Flora Wood.

The Real Made Abstract

We chose the theme “The Real Made Abstract”, as we've been wondering what it is that drives artists to move from a typically traditional, figurative approach to a more abstract style as they progress through their careers; most of the great “abstract” artists from Mondrian to Picasso were created rather than born, and had a firm technical grounding and an early career based in realism.

Our musings have included the theory that as artists grow in their own experience they are able to draw more on their mental repertoire than the literal reality of figures, landscape and objects around them. Alternatively it might be a case of the 'intellectual' creeping in as artists mature, and their craft expands from representation into an exploration of wider ideas...

Whatever the forces at play, we have pulled together a thought-provoking and - we hope - inspiring exhibition of works at The Hatfield Hines Gallery in Holt, all of which are for sale.

We hope it will tempt you into the Gallery to visit...

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