Friday, 18 September 2009

Hatfield Hines' Naomi Clements inspires the EDP

Hatfield Hines artist Naomi Clements talks to the EDP about drawing, Old Masters and a room of one's own - down at the bottom of the garden...

"Naomi is a stickler when it comes to drawing. 'For me drawing is the key to good painting - you can tell by looking at a painting if the artist can draw. Drawing forms the basis of everything from the composition to the execution,' she explains.

She is very inspired by the Danish artist Vilhelm Hammershoi. 'He does these marvellous paintings of interiors where he often paints his wife as well - not as a portrait but as a rather fleeting figure who seems to add something mysterious to the mix.'

She is fascinated by the Old Masters and often visits the National Gallery to research her work. 'For portraits it may be Goya, Rembrandt or Durer. For interiors I may look at Pieter de Hooch, Vermeer and Hammershoi. I long to achieve the depth and beauty of the Old Masters but with comtemporary settings and subjects.'

Naomi's studio - at the bottom of the garden - is pristine and tidy. 'I do find my studio a haven of tranquility after the chaos and noise of family life in the main house. When I get in and close the door I breathe a huge sigh of relief,' she says."

To see more of Naomi Clements' work click here.

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